MLUMSE- Modernization of Land and Urban Management Education in Southern Mediterranean
Koordinator: Sveučilište u Zagrebu Geodetski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu Arhitektonski fakultetVoditelji: Ana Mrđa, Željko Bačić, Vesna Poslončec PetrićPartneri: - Benha University - Alexandria University - Ibn Zohr University - University Europe-Mediterranean of Fes - Aqaba University of Technology - KU Leuven - Al al-Bayt University - University of Twente - Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets of Republic of Croatia, Institute of Spatial DevelopmentSuradnici: Ivona Cvitković, Marin Duić, Sanja GašparovićIzvor financiranja: ERASMUS+Trajanje: 1.12.2024.-30.11.2027.
Goal (general objective)
Strengthening the quality of higher education in usage of geospatial technology supporting urban and rural areas planning and sustainable and resilient management under climate change threats in Southern Mediterranean (SM) partner countries.
Purpose (specific Objectives)
To initiate enhancement of SM community engagement by promoting the use of geospatial technology in land and urban management by M26
To set up and implement web-based platform to share knowledge & know-how practical examples among project partners & stakeholders by M17
To improve the level of competencies and skills of teaching staff in SM HEIs by acquiring best-practice examples and innovations by M16
To modernise technology driven courses at HEIs in land and urban planning & management field in collaboration with the stakeholders in line with the Bologna requirements by M20
To create technological preconditions for SM HEIs by procuring up-to-date equipment by M18
Goal (general objective)
Strengthening the quality of higher education in usage of geospatial technology supporting urban and rural areas planning and sustainable and resilient management under climate change threats in Southern Mediterranean (SM) partner countries.
Purpose (specific Objectives)
To initiate enhancement of SM community engagement by promoting the use of geospatial technology in land and urban management by M26
To set up and implement web-based platform to share knowledge & know-how practical examples among project partners & stakeholders by M17
To improve the level of competencies and skills of teaching staff in SM HEIs by acquiring best-practice examples and innovations by M16
To modernise technology driven courses at HEIs in land and urban planning & management field in collaboration with the stakeholders in line with the Bologna requirements by M20
To create technological preconditions for SM HEIs by procuring up-to-date equipment by M18