CENTRINNO New CENTRalities in INdustrial areas as engines for inNOvation and urban transformation
Koordinator: Comune di MilanoVoditelj: Bojan BaletićPartneri: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u ZagrebuSuradnici: Kristina Careva, Rene Lisac, Morana Pap, Roberto VdovićIzvor financiranja: EU, HORIZON 2020Trajanje: 1.9.2020.-29.2.2024.Ugovoreni iznos: 8 570 330 euroIznos na AF: 102.500 euro
A new industrial revolution that puts citizens at the core of a sustainable transformation.
CENTRINNO is a research project focused on industrial historical sites under transformation. It will showcase the potential of these cultural landscapes to become new and inclusive hubs of entrepreneurship for city residents while fostering sustainability.
A new industrial revolution that puts citizens at the core of a sustainable transformation.
CENTRINNO is a research project focused on industrial historical sites under transformation. It will showcase the potential of these cultural landscapes to become new and inclusive hubs of entrepreneurship for city residents while fostering sustainability.