
Biography Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, born on 6th January 1956, is a graduate architect and has a D.Sc. in the field of architecture and town planning. She is professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb, the Department of town-planning, regional planning and landscape architecture (teaching subjects: landscape architecture and town-planning). She graduated from the primary and secondary classical schools in Zagreb. In 1974 she enrolled at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb where she graduated in 1980. During the year 1982 she did scientific and expert advanced training in Montreal (Canada). She earned her M.Sc. in 1986 at the post graduate studies Architectural heritage (Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb), and in 1990 she obtained her D.Sc. with her doctoral dissertation Research of the continuity of architecture on the territory of the central part of the island of Hvar at the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb. Upon graduation, she worked as an architect and town-planner at the Croatian Urban Planning Institute. Since 1991 she has worked as an independent scientific researcher, planning engineer and town-planner. She is the author/co-author of five books, about forty scientific articles, ten scientific studies from the field of landscape architecture, forty town-plans and studies and thirty designs from the field of garden and landscape architecture. She has actively participated at scientific research projects home and abroad in the field of landscape architecture. She has delivered lectures at the post graduate studies in Troina (Italy). Since 1988 she has delivered lectures at the post graduate studies “Regional planning, town-planning and landscape architecture” at the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb. In the academic year 2007/2008 she was a part-time lecturer on Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb – Department of Town planning, Regional planning and Landscape architecture. She is employed on Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb as Assistant Professor (1st July 2008), as an Associate Professor (18th July 2012) and Professor (10th April 2018). She is a scientific-research counselor (scientist no. 125251) at scientific-research projects registered at Ministry of science of Croatia: “Urban and Landscape Heritage of Croatia as Part of European Culture” (2002-2005) and “Urban and Landscape Heritage of Croatia as Part of European Culture” (2006-2013) and “Heritage Urbanism – urban and spatial models for revival and enhancement of cultural heritage” (HERU, HRZZ-2032, 2014-2018) financed by Croatian Science Foundation, which is being carried out at the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb. She is a scientific researcher in the international project Smart U Green (2017-2020).
She is a reviewer of scientific-research projects in the field of architecture and town planning. She has taken part at national and international scientific-expert conferences: Zagreb, Stari Grad on the island of Hvar, Poreč, Varaždin, Palmanova, Udine, Vienna, Shanghai, Venice, Naples, Bari, Barcelona, Paris, Athene, Rome, Prague, Belgrade, Rijeka, Zagreb, Albena (Bulgaria), Venice, Ascoli Piceno (Italy), Yeju (South Korea), Copenhagen, Lisbon, Crete, Reims, Pescara and Sebenico with topics related to the protection of the cultural heritage of architecture, tourism, landscape architecture and space syntax. She lectures Landscape Architecture and conducts course of Landscape Design on the B.Sc. Architecture and Urban Planning Studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, and lectures Contemporary Landscape Architecture, conducts Workshop of Landscape Architecture and supervises graduate theses on the faculty’s M.Sc studies. She also teaches Theory and Design of Landscape Architecture and Space Syntax at the faculty’s doctoral scientific studies (until 2018). She is teaching Module Scape at the Postgraduate doctoral scientific study: Architecture and Urbanism (from academic year 2018/2019). She holds lectures at the Postgraduate Specialits Study: Architecture and Urbanism; Spatial Planning, cycle: Strategic Planning and Sustainable Development (from academic year 2018/2019).
She is an authorised architect. She finished an international workshop for mentors Professionalization of PhD Supervision for mentoring in doctoral work. She speaks English, French, German and Italian, and can use Spanish, Latin and old Greek.

‘Aluzije i iluzije, dakle igra i šala su uvijek na početku dugog puta promišljanja zadatka, traženja problema u prostoru i na kraju njegovo rješenje koje nudi prostor doživljaja. Landscape architecture needs allusions and illusions to bring form and meaning and to express emotion within a space that may be geographical, economic, social, and functional and in the place a phenomenological, symbolic, sensemaking. Places are experienced and understood differently by different people; they are multiple and fluid, landscape architecture dwells within a humanspace creating a humanplace.’
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