Cultural Urban Heritage - Development, Learning and Landscape Strategies
Istraživački rad

Cultural Urban Heritage – Development, Learning and Landscape Strategies

Research in this book is the result of a four-year effort within the research project Urban and Spatial Models for Revival and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage. The project and researchers faced the challenge of preserving and presenting cultural heritage in light of contemporary needs and new interventions in historical buildings and spaces. The heritage was explored across a broad temporal and typological range – from cultural landscapes to individual buildings, from ancient archaeological sites to modernist architecture, from tangible to intangible heritage – approached from various perspectives: interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary. To achieve this, the project was open to contributions from all who could enhance its development. Therefore, researchers and experts from diverse backgrounds and interests were involved in the research. All were focused on seeking answers derived from the questions posed by the research project's title – what are the potential models for revitalizing and enhancing cultural heritage.

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