
Tamara Zaninović, PhD, M.Arch. (nee Marić in 1986), completed her Master studies of architecture and urbanism in 2011 at the Faculty of Architecture, the University of Zagreb, where she is currently employed as research and teaching assistant at the Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture.
She was a member of a research project ‘Heritage Urbanism’ (HERU HRZZ 2032) led by prof. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, PhD. She completed her PhD studies at Vienna University of Technology (TUW) with the topic 'Streets as Heritage', supervisor prof. Richard Stiles, PhD.
She was a guest PhD student in London in 2016 at the Space Syntax Laboratory, the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, where she studied space syntax theory and methodology, supervisors: Sam Griffiths, PhD and Garyfalia Palaiologou, PhD.
Area of research: urban landscape, public space, streets, heritage, memorials, walkspaces and space syntax. She published overall 8 articles in scientific journals as co-author, participated in more than 19 scientific conferences.
She has worked as a co-author and collaborator on 10 urban and architectural competitions among which are: Water Works, Brooklyn, 2012, 1st prize; Adaptive City, Europan 12, Hammarö, 2013, honorable mention; FOI, Varaždin, Croatia, 2013, 4th prize; Radeljević-libertas, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2012, 6th prize. She was a collaborator in the NFO office on design projects ‘Crikvenica Centre’ and ‘Senj Centre’.
She has participated in projects for Zagreb Society of Architects Youth Section: Zagreb Pocket Architectural Guide and two City Acupuncture Workshops. She has organized two international architecture summer schools in cooperation with ETH Zürich assistants: ‘Zagreb Rooms’ (2014, publication and exibition Re:Public) and ‘City as a Monument’ (2015 in Motovun).

‘Space is a hidden feature of movement and movement is a visible aspect of space. Rudolf Laban, Choreutics’

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