"Built exclusively to provide pleasure... Gardens unit the sensory pleasure in space with the pleasure of understanding in the most useless manner."
Bernard Tschumi
The "Landscape Architecture" course interprets the composition and history of the garden architecture that carries the history of the behavior and the composition of the place. The history of landscape architecture is also a history
of human culture. This history shows the relationship between time and place value, especially as the art of historical realization through space behavior. The history of the garden architecture seeks to show that the art of garden architecture is not only the ideal of beauty but also the philosophical concept that changes and shapes nature. The history of landscape architecture is another way of expressing the history of human creativity. As a first course in the field of landscape architecture, this course acquaints students with the composition and basic principles and principles of landscape design, which is primarily related to the garden spaces in the city (urban parks, gardens of residential settlements, playgrounds, garden squares, promenades, thematic parks, with public, business and hotel buildings and other types of landscape architecture of the city). The course explains to student basic knowledge about architectural, visual, natural and biotechnical factors important for the design of landscape architecture.
The aim of the course is to show students the basic knowledge of landscape design and to develop the ability to apply the general principles of the garden composition based on the cultural and historical revelation of the most valuable achievements of garden architecture in the world. The knowledge gained in this course will be applied by students in projects that are made in urban, landscape and architectural workout courses of undergraduate studies.