Autor: Aljoša ŠpaletaMentorica: Marija Šimić Horvath
Students attending the elective course Geometry in Architecture dealt with problems concerning architectural photogrammetry as part of the final programme. They could choose between a reconstruction from a horizontal axis or inclined axis perspective (bird’s eye or frog’s eye view). Starting from a photographic image of an object or its model in 3D virtual space, and assuming that certain geometric data about the object was a given, by applying the method of measurement in perspective with a horizontal or inclined axis view, they reconstructed orthogonal projections of the object. The programme by Aljoša Špaleta presents a reconstruction from the perspective with a horizontal axis and view of the former Braća Ševčik Factory in Zagreb. The reconstruction is derived from photographic images where the dimensions of the rectangle ABCD are a given, and which is in a horizontal plane rendered in a scale of 1:100.