Medulin’s Boogie-Woogie: Public Spaces in Medulin’s Historic Core and their Redevelopment

Medulin’s Boogie-Woogie: Public Spaces in Medulin’s Historic Core and their Redevelopment

Mentori: Jesenko Horvat, Tihomir JukićUrednik: Jesenko Horvat
Publisher: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u ZagrebuGodina izdanja: 2016ISBN: 978-953-8042-15-7ISSN print: 978-953-8042-15-7
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Kabinet za urbanizam
Urbanistička radionica II: Preobrazba grada
The publication is organized through three issues of interest: first thoughts and facts about the area, the second is the task as a proposal of planning a center of Medulin and its exten-sion towards the sea and the third are student projects. Boo-gie-Woogie was the first and to date the only exclusively pia-no music derived from the blues. Both terms describe the phenomenon that occurred in crowded cities: Chicago, De-troit, New York, were all cities with numerous black popula-tion. Since poverty is a way of life quickly learned to depend on each other and are connected to and working on common goals. Urban planning workshop in Medulin set an identical concept, all the students are working on a common goal the creation of public space of Medulin. The name of the work-shop, bringing music to create, stressed not only union in the creation of the new, but also the planning process, which has enabled a new choreography movement through Medulin.